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ESOC Scholarships

The Board of Executive Protection Professionals has implemented several initiatives aimed at "paying it forward," giving back to and enhancing the industry. Among these initiatives is the BEPP's Scholarship Program, designed to pay respect to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for the protection of others.

The intent is to provide a meaningful way to honor these individuals while carrying their legacy forward into future generations of protection professionals.


The BEPP is extremely humbled and proud to announce the following three scholarships:​​


  1. Young Professionals Scholarship

  2. Women in Protection Scholarship

  3. Military/Law Enforcement Scholarship

ESOC Scholarship
USA Flag
ESOC Scholarship

Young Professionals Scholarship

This Memorial Scholarship is dedicated to U.S. Secret Service Supervisory Special Agent Myles Colin Johnson, a distinguished member of the Presidential Protective Division (PPD), and former Captain in the United States Marine Corp.

This scholarship is being awarded to recognize and honor the devotion to duty, professionalism, and tenacity, which Special Agent Johnson displayed throughout his career with the U.S. Secret Service.


Special Agent Johnson exemplified  the ideals of leadership and professionalism,  while setting the example for those he both led and served through humor, grace, and selfless service throughout the battle he fought with pancreatic cancer,  which he ultimately succumbed to while continuing to serve with distinction. In doing so, he set the standard by which those who served with him continue to measure their own professional and personal performance in the face of adversity.


Through the Young Professionals Scholarship, the Board of Executive Protection  Professionals seeks to provide an opportunity for  up-and-comers in the executive protection field to gain insight into the principles and standards, such as ethics and integrity, which true leaders hold themselves to.  


  • 1 Ticket to the ESO Conference.

  • 3 nights at the JW Marriott

    • (June 19-21, 2024)


  • Young Professionals in EP (less than 5 years experience)



  • Submit a current Resume/CV with EP experience

  • Submit a short (2 paragraph) essay on EP from your perspective

  • Submission Due Date :  NLT 1 May 2024 

  • Email submission to:

    •  Subject: Young Professionals Scholarship         

Young Professional
Women in Protection Scholarship
ESOC Scholarship
ESOC Scholarship


  • 1 Ticket to the ESO Conference.

  • 3 nights at the JW Marriott

    • (June 19-21, 2024)

Women in Protection Scholarship

This Memorial Scholarship is dedicated to Supervisory CBP Officer Jacqueline Montanaro and her youngest daughter, Madelyn Rose Montanaro

This Scholarship is being awarded in honor of the devotion Jacqueline had to protecting others, which ultimately led to her becoming a federal law enforcement officer, certified Personal Protection Specialist, and evasive driving instructor with Vehicle Dynamics Institute. She gave the last full measure of that devotion in January 2023 when she entered her home, which was engulfed in flames, in an attempt to rescue her daughter, Madelyn Rose. In that moment of truth, Jacqueline exhibited the courage and dedication that professional protectors strive to embody in the face of tremendous personal risk.


With this scholarship, the Board of Executive Protection Professionals is seeking to inspire female protection practitioners to continue their professional development while setting a positive example for those following in their footsteps.


  • Woman providing protection services



  • Submit a current Resume/CV with EP experience

  • Submit a short (2 paragraph) essay on EP from your perspective

  • Submission Due Date :  NLT 1 May 2024 

  • Email submission to:

    •  Subject: Women in Protection Scholarship         

Women in Protection
Arlington National Cemetery with a flag next to each headstone during Memorial day - Washi
ESOC Scholarship

Military/Law Enforcement Scholarship

This Scholarship is awarded in memory of U.S. Department of State Bureau of Diplomatic Security Special Agent Stephen Eric “Sully” Sullivan, who was also a former USMC Field  Radio Operator and U.S. Navy Corpsman 

This scholarship is awarded to recognize the dedication and commitment to service which Special Agent Sullivan personified through his military and government service. Special Agent Sullivan’s reputation for professionalism and exceptional performance was widely recognized, and highly respected, among his peers at the U.S. State Department, as well as his contemporaries in other agencies, to include the U.S. Secret Service, U.S. Army CID, U.S. Navy NCIS, U.S. Air Force OSI, with whom he interacted regularly while posted in Afghanistan and Iraq.


He died in Mosul, Iraq in September 2005, while serving as Assistant Regional Security Officer, when a suicide bomber attacked the motorcade, he was traveling in.  With the Military Veteran  Scholarship, the Board of Executive Protection Professionals seeks to provide military veterans and or law enforcement officers, including those still serving on Active Duty, an opportunity to improve their ability to perform to the highest professional standard while providing executive protection.


  • 1 Ticket to the ESO Conference.

  • 3 nights at the JW Marriott

    • (June 19-21, 2024)


  • Military Service Members (prior service or active) or Law Enforcement Officer (local or federal)



  • Submit a current Resume/CV with EP experience

  • Submit a short (2 paragraph) essay on EP from your perspective

  • Submission Due Date :  NLT 1 May 2024 

  • Email submission to:

    •  Subject: Military/Law Enforcement Officer Scholarship     

Military/Law Enforcement Scholarship

*Award does not include flights, or other logistics expenses associated with the ESO Conference.  Award covers conference entry fee of $499,  and hotel room fee. Award has no cash value and can not be sold or transferred.

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